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contact prince senaadeera

Mr. W. Prince Senadeera
Commissioner General of Official Languages

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IMG 20240823 WA0001

Mr. D. D. S. M. Jayaweera
Commissioner of Official Languages (Languages)

+94 112 865 478 (Ex: 205)
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Mr. Shaminda Mahalekam
Commissioner of Official Languages (Translation)

+94 112 877 231 (Ex: 241)
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IMG 0012

Mrs. D.S. Dissanayaka
Chief Accountant

+94 112 888 930 (Ex: 218)
+94 112 888 930
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Mr. P. P. Lokugalappaththi
Chief Internal Auditor

+94 112 885 799 (Ex: 213)
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IMG 0013

Mr. B. A. P. Lakshantha
Deputy Commissioner (Examination)

+94 112 073 329 (Ex: 202)
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Miss. B. M. S. W. Iriyagama
Assistant Commissioner (Administration)

+94 112 888 932 (Ex: 210)
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Mrs. R. U. Hettithanthrige

+94 112 885 903 (Ex: 216)
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Mrs. G. G. Uppalawanna
Administrative Officer

+94 112 888 933 (Ex: 215)
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                                                             Division           Telephone                              Intercom            Fax
Department of Official Languages 2 888 934 0 2 142 109
Accounts Division 2 888 930 235 / 217 -
Establishment Division 2 888 933 214 2 888 928
Examination Division 2 889 506
2 865 428
238 / 245 2 879 128
Glossary Division 2 888 931 232 -
ICT Division 2 888 935 212 -
Internal Audit Division 2 885 799 213 -
Language Laboratory 2 889 457 219 / 247 -
Library 2 889 366 221 -
Translation - 3rd Floor 2 877 231 209 / 207 /  242 -
Translation - 1st Floor (1) 2 861 075 290 / 240 / 239 / 237 -
Translation - 1st Floor (2) 2 889 419 225 / 226 -